June 21, 2025 6:30 PM –8:00 PM
3rd Annual Summer Solstice Sound Bath Dolphin Cruise
Summer Solstice Pensacola Beach Retreat SOUND BATH DOLPHIN CRUISE ONLY:
Frisky Mermaid Dolphin Cruises & Boat Rentals / Behind Shaggy's
701 Pensacola Beach Boulevard
Pensacola Beach, FL 32561
3rd Annual Summer Solstice Sound Bath Dolphin Cruise
Location: Frisky Mermaid Dolphin Tours and Boat Rentals
701 Pensacola Beach Blvd
Pensacola Beach, Florida 32561
Parking Instructions
No parking at restaurant parking lots for dolphin tours.
Frisky Mermaid Dolphin Cruises and Pontoon Boat Rentals
701 Pensacola Beach Blvd, Behind Shaggy’s Pensacola Beach, FL 32561 (850) 910-0635