November 6
Frank Brown International Songwriters Festival
Perdido Key
Perdido Key 17401 Perdido Key Dr. Pensacola, Florida 32507-9354 (850) 492-7664
Foo Foo Fest, held every autumn, is a 12-day extravaganza that brings together a diverse array of cultural and creative experiences under a single banner, drawing visitors to Pensacola, Florida.
A 19th century term, a “foo foo,” is a spontaneous band of musicians, especially on a sailing vessel. Foo Foo Fest organizers wanted to emulate the spontaneity of such a performance, providing Pensacola with a flurry of high-quality art and culture events to liven up the shoulder season here in the Pensacola Bay Area. Plus, it’s a cute name!
November 6
Perdido Key
Perdido Key 17401 Perdido Key Dr. Pensacola, Florida 32507-9354 (850) 492-7664
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