March 22, 2025 9:00 AM –3:00 PM
Navy Point Arts and Crafts Fair
Rescheduled. Tenth annual Navy Point Arts and Crafts Fair was started with a handful of arts and craft folks and has increased in participation every year. This year we have 43 vendors signed up bringing a variety of work including paintings, pottery, sewing crafts, jewelry, bird houses, cut glass, baked breads and desserts, pin back buttons, soap and lotions, 40 ft. of beautiful plants to begin the spring season and much more. The Joy Committee and the NW Florida Great Dane rescues will be there with dog adoption and foster information.
Navy Point Arts and Crafts Fair
Parking Instructions
Parking along perimeter of Triangle Park.
Navy Point Park
Sunset Ave. & SE Syrcle Dr, Sunset Ave. & SE Syrcle Dr Pensacola, FL 32514 (850) 475-5224