April 4, 2025 7:30 PM –10:00 PM
Stop Kiss
Stop Kiss
by Diana Son
Exploring the twists and turns that life and love often force us through, Stop Kiss tells the story of Callie and Sara, two roommates who quickly become much more to each other. This non-linear story artfully guides us through the intricacies of Callie’s relationship with Sara before and after a fateful day the two spend together in New York City’s West Village. As Callie is confronted with the complexities of her feelings for Sara, she must also face the realities that wait for those who exist beyond traditional societal norms. Exploring themes of self-discovery, sexuality and identity within love, Callie and Sara’s story will connect with anyone “who has had to search deep within to find the strength and conviction to join hands with another” according to the Los Angeles Times.
Due to Adult Subject Matter, this show may not be appropriate for all audiences.
General Admission Only. Due to the seating configuration, latecomers will not be seated until intermission.
Upcoming Dates
- Saturday, April 5
- Friday, April 11
- Saturday, April 12
Stop Kiss
Bldg. 82 Pensacola, Florida 32514
Center for Fine and Performing Arts, University of West Florida
11000 University Pkwy, Bldg. 82 Pensacola, FL 32514 (850) 857-6057