American Travelers’ Financial Sentiment
While 41.2% of American travelers still agree now is a good--or very good--time to spend on travel and 61.5% continue to say that travel will be a high budget priority over the next three months, be it due to inflation or gas prices, some financial strain is beginning to be evident in American travel sentiment, including:
- The percent of American travelers with at least one leisure trip planned in the next 12 months dropped six points in the last month to 87.2%.
- American travelers who feel that they/their household will be financially better off a year from now has dropped to 39.2% from 45.1% at the end of January.
- Expectations to travel more (35.9%) and spend more on travel (36.7%) this year compared to last year have both dipped.
- The amount that Americans estimate they will spend on their travel this year fell to $3,788 from $4,283 reported the week of February 14th.
- 58.5% of American travelers say travel prices are too high right now.
- One-third of American travelers (33.6%) report that high travel prices have kept them from traveling in the past month.
Source: Destination Analysts Update on American Travel Trends & Sentiment-March 15th, 2022